Robotics/2022 MRS Camp


Young_Metal 2022. 8. 4. 00:45








 - Cooperative foraging 



Robots with noses why...?

 - Night - Lighting condition. 

 - Sense - chemically interactive. 

1. Territory marking and avoiding

2. Search and Rescue

  Urban disaster, Wilderness search

3. Chemical Plumes

Plume movement  ~~ Odur dispersion

sensitive, selective, fast response (Gas sensor)


Fast -> 


Sampling -> Sensor -> Data Analysis with feedback and adaptation

Chemosensor MOS, Ion mobility...


Wind vanes -> vane that aligns with the wind


Search problem

 - finding the odour sources

how to sample the environment in order to reach

3 sub problems

 - sampling the space....ㅎㅎ


Sample -> Plume detect-> Track ->Source detected -> Declare


Sampling the space

Sequential search

 Regular trajectories

Distance among trajectories considers the probability of detection


While uncertainty > threshold do

1. Evaluate set of actions

2. Move to best sampling point

3. Sense

4. Update


2007. Cognitive approaches infotaxis POMDP


meta-heuristic approaches for odour search


Q memory 줄이기 가능하냐? Interaction gradient source. Advantage in oflactory sensing in application

A : Realize infect in reality, gradient approach. Swarm do detect source... sensing all the space.. combine the agent gradient? Relatie....뭐라 카노


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