Robotics/2022 MRS Camp

Multi Robot System

Young_Metal 2022. 8. 3. 22:32

system with multi robot


Why using MRS?

 - To perform solution with singularity. 

 - Space Distribution -> many agents can be in many places at the same time.

 - Time Distribution -> many agents can do many, different subtasks at the same time.

 - Divide and Conquer

 - Cost, Reliability, and Robustness -> agent can be a team Simpler than a single robot.


Multi-Robot System

Set of Robots

 - Same Environment or Common mission 

Advatnages over a single robot


Space and Time Distribution 

 - different location at same time

 - same location at different time



Cost issues

 - simple but many robots are cheaper than one priceless big robot


Reliability, Robustness

 - Simplicity increases reliability

 - Redundany benefits robustness

  - If there's some overlap on robot's capabilities, the MRS is more robust

 - Failure of any individual robot does not mean necessarily the failure of the MRS



Heterogeneous MRS

 - multimodal sensors and actuators


Task for MRS


1. inherently distributed in time, space or functionality (한개로는 못함)



Cooperative robots to observe moving targets.


Multi vs Single Robot System

1. Speedup measure [Balch & Arkin, 1998]

how more efficient i robots are than just 1?


Computation sharing in distributed robotic systems : A case study on Slam (2014) 

Multi-Robot olfacory search structured environments. (2011)


MRS는 어디에 쓰이나

Dull, Dirty, Dangerous tasks


Weakly coordinate


Explicit Communication

avoud communicating redundant information 

Avoids wasting both communication and processing....

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