IT행사 후기

ACM FaCCT 2022 참가 후기

Young_Metal 2022. 6. 28. 14:27

1. 참가신청 경로

 - 확실히 어디서 본 것인지 기억은 안나지만, 적어도 학교 공지사항은 아니었다.  

 - 그 때 학생회관 게시판에 전시된 FACCT 서울 2022 포스터를 봤었고, 학생 봉사자를 구하고 있어서, QR코드를 통해 신청했다. 

- Hybrid 운영이라 on-site, online 봉사자를 각각 뽑았는데, 컨퍼런스의 진정한 재미는 onsite라고 생각해서 현장 봉사자로 화, 수, 목, 금의 운영기간 중 수, 목 봉사를 신청했고 금요일에는 강연 들으러 갔다. 


2. 맛난 간식과, 점심 그리고 내가 일했다는 증명사진들



3. 참여했던 세션과 관심있던 세션에 대하여


 - Sensible AI: Re-imagining Interpretability and Explainability using Sensemaking Theory

Keywords: interpretability, explainability, sensemaking, organizations

Session Name: 9D Humanistic Explanation and Interpretation


 - The Conflict Between Explainable and Accountable Decision-Making Algorithms

Keywords: Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Decision-Making, Algorithmic Decision-Making, Responsibility, Explainable AI, Accountability

Session Name: 9D Humanistic Explanation and Interpretation
When: 13:00, June 23 KST (Day 3)
Where: Room 209


 - 959 Measuring the Carbon Intensity of AI in Cloud Instances

Keywords: Emissions, Greenhouse gas, Carbon Footprint, Reporting Emissions, Electricity, Cloud computing, CO2

Session Name: 9A Health and Sustainability

When: 13:00, June 23 (Day 3)

Where: Room 201


- Bias in Automated Speaker Recognition

Keywords: speaker recognition, speaker verification, bias, fairness, audit, evaluation

Session Name: 11A Bias in Image and Language Processing

When: 15:45, Jun 23 (Day 3)

Where: Room 201


- 314 Robots Enact Malignant Stereotypes

Keywords: robotics, Algorithmic Audit, Gender Classification, machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, bias, discrimination, justice, computer vision, imitation learning, learning from demonstration, robotic manipulation

Session: 11A Bias in Image and Language Processing

When: 15:45, Jun 23 (Day 3)

Where: Room 201


 - 61 What people think AI should infer from faces

Keywords: Computer Vision, Experimental Philosophy, Participatory AI Ethics

Session Name: 12A Facial Recognition Systems

When: 17:00 June 23 KST (Day 3)

Where: Room 201


- 1047 Reliable and Safe Use of Machine Translation in Medical Settings

Keywords: biometric privacy, facial recognition, privacy policy

Session Name: 14C FAccT in Practice

When: 23:30, Jun 23 (Day 3)

Where: Virtual


- Tutorial (Case Study): An intersectional approach to model construction and evaluation in mental health care


-74 The Values Encoded in Machine Learning Research (Co-Winner, Distinguished Paper Award)

Keywords: Value Analysis, Reflexive Analysis, Machine Learning Ethics, Social and Broader Impacts

Session Name: 5D Value Systems for AI

When: 14:30, Jun 22 (Day 2)

Where: Room 205


Keynotes를 주로 서포팅했다. 8시부터 11시까지 이어지는 세션이고, 메인홀에서 진행해서 SV로서 역할은 많지 않았다.

11시부터 12시까지 중에서 tutorial파트를 주로 지원했다. tutorial은 다른 session과 다른게 주로 중역의 임원이나, 교수님들이 하기 때문에 한 세션을 한 사람이 발표하게 된다. 보통은 한 세션에 2~3명의 발표자가 짧게 15분씩 하게 된다. 


4. 내가 들었던 키노트 설명 - ACM FACCT 발췌

<Jun. 22>

Keynote II: Pascale Fung. Towards Values-Based NLP

Pascale Fung is a Professor at the Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering and Department of Computer Science & Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST), and a visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. She is an elected Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) for her "significant contributions to the field of conversational AI and to the development of ethical AI principles and algorithms", an elected Fellow of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) for her “significant contributions towards statistical NLP, comparable corpora, and building intelligent systems that can understand and empathize with humans”. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) for her “contributions to human-machine interactions” and an elected Fellow of the International Speech Communication Association for “fundamental contributions to the interdisciplinary area of spoken language human-machine interactions”. She is the Director of HKUST Centre for AI Research (CAiRE), an interdisciplinary research centre on top of all four schools at HKUST. She co-founded the Human Language Technology Center (HLTC). She is an affiliated faculty with the Robotics Institute and the Big Data Institute at HKUST. She is the founding chair of the Women Faculty Association at HKUST. She is an expert on the Global Future Council, a think tank for the World Economic Forum. She represents HKUST on Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society. She is on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. She is a member of the IEEE Working Group to develop an IEEE standard - Recommended Practice for Organizational Governance of Artificial Intelligence. Her research team has won several best and outstanding paper awards at ACL, ACL and NeurIPS workshops.


Keynote Panel II: Bossware and Algorithmic Management

Frederik Borgesius, Min Kyung Lee, Wilneida Negrón, and Rida Qadri (Chaired by Seth Lazar)


In recent years, accelerated by the global pandemic, employers in all economic sectors, from low wage to high tech, have introduced computational tools that reduce workers' digital and physical autonomy, while transferring value from employees to employers, and risk in the other direction. This keynote panel, featuring scholars from across STS, law, computer science and philosophy, will explore the rise of bossware and algorithmic management, highlighting not only the key empirical trends, but also their underlying causes, and how workers, researchers, and regulators can fight back.


Wilneida Negron (In-Person): Dr Wilneida Negron is the Director of Research and Policy at She most recently worked at the Ford Foundation, where she led cross-thematic area strategy development between the Gender, Race, Ethnic Justice, Technology and Society, Mission Investing, Future of Work(ers), and Civic Engagement Thematic areas, with a focus on helping labor movements deepen and leverage economic partnerships and movement-based partnerships. She is a lifelong fellow at Data & Society Research Institute and Atlantic Institute for Racial Equity.


Min Kyung Lee (In-Person): Min Kyung Lee is an assistant professor in human-computer interaction in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Lee has conducted some of the first studies that empirically examine the social implications of algorithms’ emerging roles in management and governance in society. She has extensive expertise in developing theories, methods and tools for human-centered AI and deploying them in practice through collaboration with real-world stakeholders and organizations. She developed a participatory framework that empowers community members to design matching algorithms that govern their own communities. Dr. Lee is a Siebel Scholar and has received the Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence, research grants from NSF and Uptake, and six best paper awards and honorable mentions and two demo/video awards in venues such as CHI, CSCW, DIS and HRI. She is an Associate Editor of Human-Computer Interaction and a Senior Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction.


Rida Qadri (In-Person): Rida is a Research Scientist with Google's Ethical AI team. She received her PhD in Computational Urban Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research examines how communities respond to, repair and resist algorithmic systems in non-western urban spaces. She is particularly interested in making visible the algorithmic failures and frictions caused by culturally inappropriate technological design.


Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (In-Person): Prof Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius is Professor ICT and Law at Radboud University Nijmegen, where he is affiliated with Radboud's interdisciplinary research hub on digitalization and society: the iHub. His research mostly concerns human rights, such as the right to privacy, to the protection of personal data, and to non-discrimination, in the context of new technologies. In 2019, he wrote a report on discrimination, artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision-making for the Council of Europe.



Community Keynote: How to Bargain with a Black Box: Auditing an Algorithmic Pay Change With a Community-Led Audit

Drew Ambrogi, Vanessa Bain, Dan Calacci, Willy Solis, and Danny Spitzberg (Chair: Seth Lazar)


This keynote video and panel discussion demonstrates how academics and practitioners can partner with community groups to audit real-world algorithmic systems. In 2020, just as the pandemic began, app-based workers for Shipt, Target’s delivery company, began reporting falling earnings. They challenged Shipt’s claims that a new opaque black box pay algorithm fairly rewarded workers for “effort”. The video featured in this keynote details how workers partnered with an academic researcher to independently evaluate this new algorithm’s impact through community research and design. They co-designed a tool—an SMS chat bot—that collected and analyzed over 200 worker's pay histories to perform a “real world” audit of Shipt’s new algorithm. This audit showed that the new algorithm effectively cut over 40% of workers’ pay. The resulting findings fueled an organizing campaign that made national headlines. This keynote argues that to have real-world impact, researchers and practitioners of algorithmic fairness should partner with—and be guided by—workers and others who are most effected by automated systems.


Keynote III: Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar. The Rise of Hypersocial Artificial Intelligence

Mariano-Florentino (Tino) Cuéllar is the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace –– the oldest think tank in America and the only one dedicated to pursuing global security and peace through its operations in the United States and India, China, Belgium, Lebanon, and Russia. Cuéllar previously served for nearly seven years as a justice on the Supreme Court of California, the highest court of America’s largest judiciary, and led the courts’ efforts to better meet the needs of millions of limited-English speakers. Before that, he was the Stanley Morrison Professor at Stanford Law School and director of Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. He served two U.S. presidents in a variety of roles in the federal government, including as special assistant to the president for justice and regulatory policy at the White House in the Obama administration. He chairs the board of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Born in Matamoros, Mexico, he grew up primarily in communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. He graduated from Harvard and Yale Law School, and obtained a Ph.D. in political science from Stanford.


대신 tutorial이나 session에서는 발표자들의 자료를 다운받고, 마이크랑 빔프로젝트 상황을 체크하고, 후에 질문자에게 마이크를 전달하러 뛰어다니는 등의 일을 했다. 그래서 그 때야 내가 진짜 봉사활동을 하고 있구나를 느꼈다. 


5. 떨리는 관종

후후.... 24일 금요일 마지막 onsite 세션에서 내가... 발표를 했다.

아무나 코멘트 남기라고 했는데... 진짜 아시안들은 하나도 안나오더라... 아니 이사람들아 코리안이 두번째인가 세번째로 많이 등록했는데 아무도 안나가?? 그래서 내가 나갔다


겁나 떨렸다

아니 왜 그렇게 두근거리고 그래서 목소리가 떨렸는데... 그래도 후회는 없다

나 진짜 너무너무 FACCT가 재밌었다. 


여기서부터는 조금 암울한 얘기가 포함되어있다. 


후... 나는 대학원생 3기다. 이제 4기를 바라보고 있다.

내가 대학원에 진학했던 것은 2018년 해외 대학원 인턴쉽진행하면서 느꼈던 자유로운 의견교류를 권장하고, 워라밸이 보장되며, 피자타임(논문발표), 그냥 매주 모든 학생+교수+연구원+직원들이 모여서 한 주간의 이슈를 말하면서 커뮤니티 쌓는 활동, 랩미팅, 점심마다 학생들이 같이 모여서 먹으러가는거... 이모든 활동들이 마음에 너무 들었다.

또 다른 분야에서 여기로 연구하러 온 사람들이랑도 교류했다. 


이제와서 느끼는거지만 나는 연구가 하고 싶다기보다, 연구하면서 생기는 소통을 너무나 즐겁게 했던 것 같다. 

연구에 대한 얘기, 연구자로서의 얘기, 그냥 타국에 사는 외국인으로서의 얘기, 취미 좋아하는 활동에 대한 얘기.... 등등

그래서 이런 활동을 꾸준히 할 수 있는 연구자의 삶을 살 수 있다면, 대학원도 갈 만한 곳이구나를 생각했다. 


하지만 그 곳은 외국이고, 내가 간 대학원은 한국이라는 것이, 이 분야는 한 랩실에서만 친해지고 그 랩실의 기술은 다른 곳에 공유할 수 없는 장인정신의 노하우와 비슷한 것이라는 것이... 내가 생각한 대학원과의 괴리를 낳았다. 그리고 그것은 날 대학원 부적응자로 만들었다. 


그리고 이렇게 처음으로 국제 컨퍼런스에 참여해서 세션을 듣고 같이 일했던 SV들이랑 친해지고 그냥 밥먹다가 간식먹다가 네트워킹해보면서 다시금 내 가슴이 뛰었다. 맞다... 난 이걸 좋아해서 연구자의 길을 걸으려고 한건데... 회사가면 이런거 못해서 가기 싫었던거고 이런 일을 하는 내가 좋아서 대학원에 갔던 건데 난 왜 이렇게 됬을까 자아성찰을 했다. 

뭐가그리 두려웠을까... 뭘 그리 미리 재버리고 안된다고 단정지었을까.... 아닐 수 있지만 추천하는 방법은 아니지만, 그렇다해도 나 하나 받아줄 곳 있을텐데 미리 겁먹고 안해버리다니... 이건 예전의 나랑 너무나 달랐다. 


그래서 이 FACCT가 나에게 너무나 소중한 턴포인트로 다가왔다. 목표가 생겼다. 여기에 페이퍼 발표를 하고 싶어졌다. 20%도 안되는 accept를 보여주고 있지만, 꾸준히 도전해서 SV로 paper 발표자로, 혹은 공저자로 참가하고 싶다. 

여기서 만났던 교수님들 이름과 랩실, 페이퍼를 읽는 것부터 시작해야겠다. 


아 그리고 여기서 만난 브라운대 대학원생을 만나러 + 펜실페니아 미술관에 일하게 된 멋진 언니 만나러 진짜 뉴욕에 갈 거 같다. 내 인생 ^^